Top 5 Tips for Relaxing Your Mind

A key component for restful nights and energetic days is ensuring you’re able to relax. This is obviously easier said than done. There are many activities, mindfulness exercises, and tinctures that you could try, but we’ve found a few things that will be helpful for almost anyone. So, when it comes to how to relax your mind, here are a few of our tips. 

Create Routines

Routines are incredibly helpful in shaping your day. While the idea of a routine may seem daunting, they don’t have to be strict and timed to the hour. It’s just a great way to add some structure to your morning or night. Night time routines are especially helpful because they begin to put your mind and rest, and are a reminder that a period of relaxation is on the way. 

If you don’t have a night time routine and are looking to create one, you can follow our Sijo signature routine, or create something of your own. This could include a calming bath or shower, a skincare routine, time for tea, a bit of light reading, turning off electronic devices, and having a moment of meditation or prayer. Whatever activities help prepare you for the mindset of sleep are perfect for adding to your routine, and consistency is key here. Ensuring you do this most nights helps really solidify this concept, and soon, you’ll be on your way to more relaxing times. 

Explore A New Hobby

Hobbies and crafts exist for a reason! They are activities that bring us joy outside of the stresses of everyday life. Finding a new hobby or crafting project will help take your mind off of the stresses or constantly running to-do lists you may be creating in your mind. 

Plus, the best part of hobbies is that they don’t need to include things you’re perfect at. It’s an opportunity to learn, be creative, and make mistakes without the pressures of excellence. It’s pure fun that will bring your mind to ease any time you take part in the activity. 


We talk about the importance of meditation often, but that’s because it is an incredibly helpful solution for how to relax your mind. 

Meditation can take many forms, and may be something you prefer to do on your own, or with a helpful guided session from many of the new meditation-focused apps or YouTube channels. 

If you are religious, meditation and prayer can be seen as similar activities, and you may want to incorporate a new moment of prayer into your daily activities. 

This truly helps put the mind at ease, and over time can also help reduce stress. 


We sing the praises of journaling often here at Sijo. It’s such a therapeutic activity! Taking time to write down your thoughts or worries and clear them out of your mind truly sets the stage for relaxation. 

For journaling prompts, visit our post here.

Be Kind To Yourself

A helpful tip on how to relax your mind is to stop being overly critical of yourself. You are worthy and deserving of relaxation, even if you didn’t finish all of your tasks for the day or eat the healthiest or get a workout in. When you are patient with and kind to yourself, you allow yourself to have the rest and the relaxation both your mind and body deserve.  

So, next time you think about how to relax your mind, try one or combine a few of these tips to bring a sense of calm and be sure to explore our eucalyptus bed sheets and french linen collection for a better night sleep.

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